NFTs Solve issue of collateralizations in Defi

1 min readJul 27, 2021

In the art market, an issue regarding the liquidity of the market is a real bug. Everything is subjective here.
Suppose a painting is worth $1million, yet it doesn’t remain very worthy unless somebody is willing to pay for it. In this situation, DeFi and NFTs do combined work to solve this issue. The workings may involve looking for ways to use NFT collectibles and art as collateral against DeFi lending. As traditional arts have been used as collateral in the real world since the beginning, moving it to the crypto world and NFT art, appears to be a logical step forward.
The other way that NFT helps in resolving liquidity issues in DeFi is by applying tokenization of those NFTs. The tokenization will quickly prepare an illiquid asset. For example, a piece of art that is easily tradable.

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